You Just Got Promoted, What Do You Say To Your Team?
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You’ve just been promoted, what’s next? Well now it’s time to address your team, but do you know how to effectively communicate with them from this new role? Leaders will learn to emphasize the importance of balancing vulnerability with competence by sharing their vision, being open to feedback, and demonstrating commitment to ongoing learning and growth as a leader through specific action plans. This helps build trust with the team and sets any leader in a new role up for success.
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Leadership is changing dramatically and there are 8 trends you need to know about if you want to lead effectively in 2024 and beyond. I put together a PDF that not only walks you through what these 8 trends are, but it also gives you action items for each one. This will be an invaluable resource for your leadership journey in 2024 and beyond. Click to download the free pdf!