Stop Hiring Gen Z!
You open a new position and browse through the applicants. What’s the one type of employee you should avoid hiring? Gen Z! Seeing that someone is age 18–25 and just starting their career is the ultimate red flag. Hiring them is the worst thing you could do for your business.
But many companies are hung up on hiring Gen Z, saying they bring a fresh perspective and tech savviness. To them, I say go ahead and hire Gen Z so the rest of us don’t have to. Enjoy your lazy and entitled employees while leaders who know better hire experienced and dedicated older employees.
Gen Z isn’t loyal. They’ll leave your company after you invest countless money and resources in them. In 2023, a staggering 72% of Gen Z plan to leave their jobs. Do you really want to hire someone only to have them quit within the year?
Gen Z doesn’t stick with anything, especially if the work is challenging. They’ll keep job-hopping until they find a company that matches their values. But the grass is always greener on the other side. Even if you hire them and they like the job, they’ll always be looking for something better. Don’t hire an employee who already has one foot out the door.
Great employees are focused and driven, but Gen Z is easily distracted. They want to spend more time filming pointless TikTok dances and building their social media profiles than working. They care more about following the latest trends than building a meaningful career and being dedicated to a company.
Other generations push for work-life balance, but Gen Z takes it to the extreme. They’re always taking breaks in the name of “self-care,” but they’re just lazy and fragile. Instead of putting in the hours, they’ll want to go on trips, be with their friends, and explore new hobbies. They won’t show up when you need them most. Remote work is their top priority, more than any other generation, probably because they can sleep in and barely work.
One survey found that Gen Z members who quit a new job are likely to find a new role with reduced hours through gig or part-time work or decide to start their own business. They’re always on the hunt to make the most money while working the least amount possible. You don’t need that lazy attitude in your company.
Not to mention that young employees want more time to work on their “side hustles,” like freelancing, being an influencer, or running their own business. That means they’ll do the bare minimum for your company so they can focus on their other jobs. You don’t want employees taking long lunches or leaving early to focus on their side jobs. You need people who are totally dedicated to your company.
Plus, Gen Z doesn’t respect leaders. Don’t waste your time hiring people who don’t want to work for you! 76% of Gen Z say the ultimate goal is to be their own boss. That means they won’t listen to or respect you because they are daydreaming about building their own business.
There are plenty of other potential employees out there. Don’t waste your time with Gen Z! Hiring them only sets you up for disappointment and wastes money when they slack off and leave. When you have an open position, hire anyone but Gen Z.
-The Outdated Leader
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