Knowing When to Speak Up at Work
Want to succeed at work? You’ve got to know how to speak up.
When we think about speaking up at work, we often think of pointing out problems or complaining.
But speaking up and complaining are completely different. To make your voice heard, you must have practical solutions and a strong opinion.
The most common way people speak up at work is to give an opinion, such as sharing an idea or providing feedback. This is your chance to share your opinion. You were hired to bring a unique perspective, not to simply agree with everything. Tactfully share your thoughts and be able to back up your opinion with evidence. With facts and examples to back up your thoughts, people will take you more seriously and you’ll feel more confident in your opinion.
Another common form of speaking up is when you’re trying to drive change. In this situation, it’s crucial to have an opinion and not just complain. Everyone can point out flaws, but not everyone can create practical and creative solutions. If you want to change something, take time to develop a solution and present it in the right way. You might get shot down, but you can always re-work your idea until it’s impossible for management to say no.
Speaking up at work is a requirement to improve your employee experience and build your career. Look for ways to share your opinion and offer solutions, and you’ll become a valuable member of your company.
I put together a video which talks about this in more detail. Please check it out below and if you want more content like this you can subscribe to my Youtube channel.
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