5 Questions To Improve Your Communication Skills

Jacob Morgan
3 min readAug 4, 2021


Of all the skills required to be successful, communication is perhaps the most important.

Being able to communicate well helps you build relationships, collaborate, and lead others. Strong communicators understand the different channels to use and how to get their message across regardless of the channel they use. They know how to not only share information effectively but how to motivate and inspire others.

Luckily, communication skills can be improved with time and effort.

I put together a video which talks about this in more detail. Please check it out below and if you want more content like this you can subscribe to my Youtube channel.

Here are five questions to ask yourself to improve your communication skills:

  1. What are the best channels to use to get information across? Being a great communicator starts with understanding your options of how to share your message and knowing the right channel to use. Some messages are best shared in person, while others can be sent via email or text.
  2. Are you communicating in a clear, open, passionate, and humble way? Great communicators are authentic and vulnerable. They are honest and true to themselves while also sharing their passion for the message.
  3. Are you being human? Don’t become a cardboard version of yourself. Share real human emotions and experiences to better get your message across.
  4. How does the way you communicate make those around you feel? People will remember how you make them feel more than they will remember what you said. Communicate in a way that is uplifting and empowering instead of condescending or belittling.
  5. If someone communicated to you in the same way you are communicating to others, what impact would it have? Great communication is rooted in empathy. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes to see how it would make you feel.

Improving your communication skills is crucial to building a successful career and becoming a future leader. These questions can help pinpoint areas to improve and put you on the path to becoming a great communicator.

Now more than ever we need to take a step back to define what it means to be a leader and what great leadership looks like. But this isn’t easy to do. In fact, many business leaders struggle with this. You cannot become and build what you don’t define. In the PDF you will get a framework you can follow and also see how some of the world’s top CEOs define leadership. Click here to get the PDF.




Jacob Morgan

4x Best-Selling Author, Speaker, & Futurist. Founder of FutureOfWorkUniversity.com. Exploring Leadership, Employee Experience, & The Future of Work