3 Things Leaders Do
Over the years, I’ve interviewed hundreds of the top leaders around the world. And although they all have their unique habits and personalities, they also have much in common. In all my discussions with great leaders, these three traits stand out:
- They take time for themselves. Great leaders spend time meditating, journaling, exercising, or pursuing a hobby. That time to themselves helps them reflect on how they can grow and improve and allows them to see the big picture. Taking time for themselves helps leaders be in top form to help their people and their organizations.
- They have goals. Great leaders are always working towards something and set daily and long-term goals for themselves and their companies. Without goals, it’s easy to flounder and not have a set purpose or direction.
- They spend time with people. Great leaders don’t stay in their corner offices. They are on the ground interacting with all sorts of people, including front-line employees and customers. These leaders don’t just spend time with their peers but instead interact with diverse groups, join meetings, and ask questions to get a sense of what’s really happening in their companies.
These three actions are relatively simple but set great leaders apart from mediocre or bad leaders. If you want to become a great leader, follow in the footsteps of the world’s best examples with these three activities.
I put together a video which talks about this in more detail. Please check it out below and if you want more content like this you can subscribe to my Youtube channel.
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